
VDO SmartTerminal is here

The VDO SmartTerminal is the latest-generation stationary reader for driver and company cards used in the DTCO 4.0. With the VDO SmartTerminal, you are instantly DTCO 4.0-ready. That’s because it has been specially developed for the requirements of the new DTCO 4.0 digital tachograph and accepts all first- and second-generation driver, auto repair shop and company cards. With the VDO SmartTerminal, you meet all legal requirements for reading and archiving driver and vehicle data. Thanks to its 32 GB SD card, the VDO SmartTerminal has almost unlimited capacity for storing this data.


Please keep your VDO SmartTerminal always up to date by downloading the newest Firmware Version

Download PC Software (Firmware included)

Download Update Firmware Smartterminal